I'm amazed to how do u come up with this composition??
You do have an amazingly creative mind
The entire song was a masterpiece
oh, and by the way, I totally loved the ending (2:38-2:56)
I'm amazed to how do u come up with this composition??
You do have an amazingly creative mind
The entire song was a masterpiece
oh, and by the way, I totally loved the ending (2:38-2:56)
Thanks so much my friend! I'm glad you liked it!
You inspire me to go to my piano and play till I achieve something like this :D
Got no words to describe the feeling it gives to me :3
(Pero aunque no tenga palabras para describir el sentimiento que me otorga esta pieza, te aseguro que esta es una hermosa pieza tuya :P)
Thanks so much my friend! it means a lot.
Gracias por darte el tiempo para escuchar! =)
Spectacular !!!!!! O.O
This is a very well made piece of yours, it has the escence of the sadness culminated among the whole song, even though the fear is not that well presented as it should be, it still has the touch of fear within it
Gotta say, at the first part I really was feeling the scene of the murderer, I think it needed more power though, but still very good. And also the girl's eyes scene, I totally saw that scene while I heard it.
The second part, here I felt the fear of the song, I couldn't feel the running till the melody started speeding its tempo up, very well :D
The third part is just beautiful, well made, I felt myself seeing what that little girl was seeing and thinking what the little girl was thinking, that part culminates the sadness in the song :P
And at last, the fourth part felt like all the bad stuff ocurring were passing unsolved as the song was playing again one of the starting melodys, it was a
feeling of sadness almost saying the those girls don't have saving... Very sad...
As I was saying, this is a very well made piece, it really does give the feelings you were wanting it to, and it is way too good to be your first try in goth :P
Wonderful, beautiful and spectacular, keep on doing what your good at xD
Thanks for that man, I'm glad it gets the feelings transmited =P Hehe yeah, first goth piece, I'm glad it turned out good, thanks so much for the support! =D
Wonderful :P
You always have beauty in your playing :D
The end of the song almost took a tear out of my eyes, its just totally beautiful and soothing.
I hope u win the Mac 9 ^^
(I totally forgot about the competition and couldn't make my own piece, dammit T.T)
Thanks for saying that =) I'm so happy you liked it. Hehe there are lots of amazing pieces in the Mac9 so I hope I get a good ranking, hope we can join the next one and both make pieces! =D
Beautiful !!
*sniff* im not crying... just something in my eye ... *sniff*
Wonderful, beautiful, marvelous, very soft and soothing.
It has the little touch within it that makes one feel happy while hearing :P
Very magnificent piece of work.
Keep it up ^^
(lol, can't stop hearing the song)
=D Thanks so much! you just made my day
pretty awesome, very neat melody, just a tiny bit off but good anyways
the only thing that needed more work was the beat :P
Well, that's one of my weakpoints... So, do you wanna help me, drawoh?^^
this one is pretty cool, it has a misterious touch on it
well done
Thank you! Alltough it's not as good as any of your tracks :P
The notes are totally out of tune, or in this case I suppose, randomly placed ...
u got ur rythm and a creative mind, but u still need to learn some basic music :D
and learn where and when each note should be used or placed :P
if each note were placed correctly, it would be some good piece of music ^^
Thanks for this review, I'll try my best to improve my music =)
This is very good man, I also use FL Studio 8 for my songs :P
one question, did you record this in real time ???
I've recorded britain piano on the sintiser, then divided it on two parts - before and after bells - and then added reverb and some volume to it. After that I've added other sounds. The piano part was a hardest work. :)
I'm realy glad you like this song :)
U have the rythm and I think u do know how to make urself some good music.
The only thing u have to learn, if u do not know already, is about musical scales...
If im not wrong, I can hear in this song that the notes are a bit randomly placed and not following one unique musical scale.
I think if u learn them and follow them, u can make some good music :P
Its easier if u learn how to play piano too, if u do not know how to already :)
Thanks man, and yes, I don't know how to play piano, but if I get time, I will :)
My name is Howard "Drawoh" Lockward, I make all kinds of instrumental songs.
Age 34, Male
Civil Eng/Piano Prof
My Place
Joined on 2/16/06